DDP 109 – w/ Alex D'Angelo #3

Alex D’Angelo is a mortgage broker at Olympic Mortgages and has been involved in the financial service industry for the last nine years.


Alex comes on the podcast to talk with Denny about getting a mortgage with a broker vs the big banks, the high turnover rate at big banks, the lack of responsibility, the current real estate situation in Vancouver, global inflation due to COVID, different ways of investing your money, cryptocurrency and future mortgage predictions.


Podcast Videos can be found on the Denny Dumas Podcast YouTube channel


Email us at thedennydumaspodcast@gmail.com


Alex D’Angelo nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/_alexdangelonFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.dangelo.9nWebsite: https://olympicmortgages.ca/


Denny DumasnInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/denny.dumas nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/denny.dumas.5 nWebsite: https://www.dennydumas.com

Posted in: Finance Sales

Z2H Session 95 – COVID-19 Update in the Retail Store Industry with Evan Moore

Evan Moore is an entrepreneur and a long-distance runner who opened up FitFirst Footwear, a running specialty store in 2013. Evan calls into the podcast to share how COVID-19 is affecting his footwear store and run clinics and how he is adapting. 

Podcast Videos can be found on the Zero to Here YouTube channel

Email us at zerotoherepodcast@gmail.com

Evan Moore
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evanmoore19
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitfirstfootwear
Website: https://www.fitfirst.ca/

Denny Dumas
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denny.dumas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denny.dumas.5
Website: https://www.dennydumas.com

Bonus Episode G+D: COVID-19's Current Effects on Residential Financing w/ Alex McFadyen

CORVID-19 is affecting all aspects of like so what exactly is it doing to the residential financing world? Alex McFadyen from Thrive Mortgage CO and the YVR REMO Show joins James and Denny to talk about how this pandemic is affecting mortgages and how to government plans to help. This episode will focus on BC mortgages, prime rate changes, fixed rates vs variables, renewals, renter situations, how people are reacting and what may happen in the near future.

Podcast Videos can be found on the Garbutt + Dumas Real Estate Team YouTube channel

Email us at garbuttdumaspodcast@gmail.com

Alex McFadyen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themortgagepug
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alexmcfadyen.mortgageadvisor
Website: http://www.alexmcfadyen.com

Check out Alex’s Podcast “YVR REMO Show – Real Estate & Mortgage Experience in Vancouver”

James Garbutt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesgarbutt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jamesgarbutt
Website: https://jamesgarbutt.com

Denny Dumas
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denny.dumas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denny.dumas.5
Website: https://www.dennydumas.com

Garbutt + Dumas Real Estate
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/garbuttdumas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GarbuttDumas
Website: http://www.garbuttdumas.ca

Z2H Session 93 – COVID-19 Update in Finances with Brady Carpenter

Brady Carpenter is the Principal of Numo Financial based in Vancouver. Brady calls into the show to talk with Denny about the impacts of COVID-19 on his financial planning business as well as his day-to-day life. The two discuss what’s happening in the stock market, oil prices, people’s reactions to losses and how we are all in this together.

Podcast Videos can be found on the Zero to Here YouTube channel

Email us at zerotoherepodcast@gmail.com

Brady Carpenter
Linkedin: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/brady-carpenter-a2702033
Website: https://numofinancial.com

Denny Dumas
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denny.dumas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denny.dumas.5
Website: https://www.dennydumas.com

Posted in: Finance Mortgage

Z2H Session 90 – Covid-19's Impact on the Financial Market w/ Alex D'Angelo

Alex D’Angelo is Mortgage Broker for Olympic Mortgages and comes on the podcast to talk to Denny about Corvid-19’s impact on the financial market and economy in Canada.


Podcast Videos can be found on the Zero to Here YouTube Channel

Email us at zerotoherepodcast@gmail.com

Alex D’Angelo
Website: https://olympicmortgages.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_alexdangelo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alex.dangelo.9

Denny Dumas
Website: https://www.dennydumas.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/denny.dumas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/denny.dumas.5

Posted in: Finance Podcast Sports

Z2H Session 80 – w/ Brady Carpenter

Brady Carpenter is the founder and Principal of Numo Financial and comes on the podcast to talk about balancing money and life and some of the sacrifices people make, external support and being able to rely on others, his rugby trip to Bermuda and some Seahawks chat.

Podcast Videos can be found on the Zero to Here YouTube Channel // Brady Carpenter – numofinancial.com/ // Denny Dumas – Instagram: denny.dumas, dennydumas.com // Email us at zerotoherepodcast@gmail.com